Vet examining for dog diseases

Protect Your Dog From These 8 Common Dog Diseases

Vet consultationKeeping your pet healthy should be your top priority. Keeping your pet healthy includes preventing dog diseases, one of your most crucial steps. Immunizations can stop several of the most prevalent canine diseases. By giving your dog the necessary care, you can reduce its risk of developing other common disorders for which no vaccines are available. You should be aware of the following more prevalent diseases:

Common Dog Diseases

1. Distemper

There is no known cure for the infectious disease distemper. It is one of the most devastating dog diseases, killing 80% of puppies and 50% of adult animals. Vaccinations are the most effective strategy to shield your dog from distemper. Puppies typically receive vaccines between 6 and 8 weeks, followed by booster shots every 3 to 4 weeks until they are 16 weeks old. For immunity maintenance, adult dogs may only require vaccinations every other year.



In dogs, the canine distemper virus (CDV) impacts the brain, spinal cord, respiratory systems, and gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. High fever, eye irritation, discharge, labored breathing, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and fatigue, and hardening of the nose and footpads are a few of the symptoms that are frequently present. The viral infection can cause secondary bacterial infections and potentially severe neurological effects.

2. Parvovirus (Parvo)



Puppies are particularly susceptible to parvo, which is highly contagious and can be fatal 48 to 72 hours after exposure. Loss of appetite, vomiting and terrible diarrhea are symptoms. The condition is incurable. Puppies should receive vaccines at six, nine, and twelve weeks, and they shouldn’t interact with other dogs for at least two weeks following their final shot.

3. Rabies



Another virus, rabies, almost invariably results in death. State and local legislation routinely mandate rabies immunization because rabies can be fatal to humans and other animals. The efficacy of the most recent rabies immunizations is three years. Periodically, booster shots are required.

Due to the widespread immunization of domestic dogs and cats, the creation of human vaccinations, and the use of immunoglobulin therapies, the number of documented human deaths from rabies in the United States has decreased from 100 or more each year in the early 20th century to one or two each year. Bat bites, which may go missed by the victim and hence go untreated, are now the leading cause of death.

4. Kennel Cough

A chest cold-like respiratory condition in humans, kennel cough, affects dogs. It frequently spreads in kennels and animal shelters and is very contagious. A dry hacking cough and inflammation of the larynx, bronchial tubes, and trachea might be symptoms. The best defense against the virus is to stay away from it. Antibiotics can treat kennel cough. Other dog disease vaccinations may offer some kennel cough defense.

Canine cough is transferred by viral and bacterial airborne droplets caused by sneezing and coughing. As well as direct contact, these pathogens can also spread via contaminated surfaces. After an incubation period of several days following exposure, symptoms appear; in most cases, they go away independently. However, mixed or secondary infections can develop into lower respiratory infections like pneumonia in young puppies or animals with impaired immune systems.

5. Leptospirosis

A bacterial condition called leptospirosis can harm the liver and kidneys. Among the symptoms are lethargy, inflammation of the kidneys, low-grade fever, vomiting, reddening of the mucous membranes and conjunctiva, and irregular blood clotting. Leptospirosis vaccines are available, and antibiotics are also helpful if treatment is initiated promptly.

Ponds, rivers, puddles, sewers, agricultural fields, and damp soil contain the bacterium. Leptospirosis cases are directly correlated with rainfall, making the illness seasonal in temperate settings and perennial in tropical ones.

6. Lyme Disease

A particular type of tick can transmit the bacterial illness Lyme disease. If a dog gets bitten by an infected tick, it may contract the infection. Lethargy, joint pain, lack of appetite, enlarged lymph nodes, and fever are some of the symptoms in dogs. Antibiotic treatment is most effective early in the course of the disease. Vaccines are available, but there is a possibility of severe side effects.

Although research is ongoing, no human Lyme disease vaccines are available. There are numerous vaccines available to protect dogs against Lyme disease.

7. Coronavirus

Parvovirus and coronavirus are both viral illnesses that are nearly identical. Coronaviruses infect domestic pets such as cats and dogs. Vomiting and diarrhea are typical signs. Dehydration, tiredness, loss of appetite, and foul diarrhea are different symptoms. Has your puppy had the 9 and 12 doses of the coronavirus vaccine? Adult dogs don’t need booster shots every year.

8. Heartworm

The parasite known as heartworms is carried through mosquito bites. The parasites spread and increase in number, invading the lungs’ arteries and heart chambers. The symptoms develop gradually, typically represented by lethargy, easy fatigue, and a mild cough. Congestive heart failure eventually results in death if it is not addressed. The majority of dogs can be protected from heartworms by using preventative medication.

Genetic Diseases

Unfortunately, some dog diseases are caused by genetics. While you can not change a dog’s genetics, you can get your puppy from a responsible breeder who screens their animals for known genetic problems.   Your dog should have checkups at least yearly to detect any genetic issues. Some genetic disorders respond to treatment; early detection is usually crucial to successful outcomes.

Health Style Dog Diseases

Obesity in dogs can increase their chances of developing diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems. Like humans, dogs are prone to overeating and under-exercising. You can help your dog by ensuring it has a proper diet and does not overeat. And every dog should get enough exercise to meet its physical and mental needs.

Some dogs will self-regulate their eating, but most will likely eat everything you put in their bowl. It’s hard to resist a dog’s pleading for more food, but it is necessary sometimes to be the bad guy.

As for exercise, you can select a dog breed that needs more or less physical activity. It will be if you choose a dog breed you know you can keep up with. Herding dogs, such as the Border Collie, need a lot of movement, while a toy dog like a Yorkshire Terrier may get enough by running around the house.


Your dog’s life and health are in danger from numerous dog ailments. By making sure your pet has received all the prescribed immunizations, you can protect it. Ma y neighborhood dog shelters may provide low-cost or free vaccines if you require assistance with the cost of your pet’s care.



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