Liver Color

Some Dogs Come With a Liver Color Coat

In dogs, liver color refers to a coat color caused by the black pigment (eumelanin) dilution by the B locus gene. Depending on the breed and individual dog, the liver color can vary from light brown to dark chocolate brown. The liver color gene is recessive, so a dog with BB or Bb genes will have normal black pigment, while only a dog with bb genes will have liver color.

Some dog breeds that commonly have liver color include the Weimaraner, Doberman Pinscher, and the Labrador Retriever. The Weimaraner breed is famous for its striking silver-gray coat, but it can also come in a beautiful liver color. Doberman Pinschers are often seen with black and tan coats but can also have a liver color. Labrador Retrievers, one of the most popular breeds in the United States, can come in various colors, including chocolate, a liver color.

A dog’s coat color does not determine its health or behavior. The liver color is just a variation in coat color that some breeds have naturally, and it does not affect their temperament or physical health.

Weimaraner with a liver color coat.
Weimaraner with a liver color coat.