Dog agility

Dog agility is a popular dog sport where a handler guides their dog through an obstacle course in a race for time and accuracy [1]. The dogs are off-leash, and neither food nor toys are used as incentives. The handler is not allowed to touch the dog or the obstacles and is limited to using voice, movement, and body signals to control the dog. This requires exceptional training of the animal and coordination between the dog and the handler.

Dog agility is a great way to bond with your dog while keeping them physically and mentally stimulated. Participating in agility competitions can also be a fun and exciting experience for both the dog and the handler. However, it is essential to note that not all dogs may be suitable for agility training. Dogs with certain health conditions or behavioral issues may not be able to participate in the sport [1].

In summary, dog agility is a sport that involves a handler directing a dog through an obstacle course for time and accuracy, using voice, movement, and body signals. It requires exceptional training of the animal and coordination of the handler. While it can be a great way to bond with your dog and provide them with physical and mental stimulation, not all dogs may be suitable for this sport.

2022 Dog Agility Competition