Dog diabetes is a severe disease for dogs and, in some ways, can be more serious than it  is for humans.

While we can talk about our symptoms and even track our symptoms – or answer questions about how we feel and behave within the context of our illness – a dog has no such outlet. It’s up to his owners to pay attention to how he feels and how the disease manifests in him.

dog diabetesWhen you get your new puppy, and he’s adorable, fluffy, and full of puppy goodness, you don’t overthink his overall and long-term health. When you get him, you want him to be healthy and hope he’s free of disease or illness. You also take care to get the proper vaccinations at the appropriate time. You might even research the adequate diet for him to grow up happy and healthy.

But it’s unlikely you worry he might get Diabetes. That might not enter your thought process, but Diabetes, unfortunately, strikes many dogs. Dogs that were healthy, active, and without problems might suddenly develop health problems later found to be Diabetes.

To that end, education is necessary, not for your dog, but for you. You should understand your dog’s risk factors, how it is diagnosed and treated, and what complications you should watch for. That’s what this guide is all about.



Here’s what we’ll cover in this “Your Dog and Diabetes Guide.”

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction.
  • Chapter 2 – Diabetes 101. This chapter will look at what Diabetes is and how it manifests itself in dogs.
  • Chapter 3 – Your dog’s risk factors. You might think that if your dog’s mom had Diabetes, your dog will too. That’s possible, but there are other risk factors to be aware of. We’ll discuss those in this chapter.
  • Chapter 4 – Your dog’s diabetes diagnosis. This chapter will discuss how Diabetes is diagnosed in dogs and what treatment your dog will receive.
  • Chapter 5 – Treatment: Diet and exercise. Like humans, dogs must begin to watch their diet and get regular activity. Of course, your dog won’t pencil these things onto his calendar, but you must. We’ll offer some tips.
  • Chapter 6 – Treatment: Insulin. Dogs with Diabetes will be put on insulin, which operates much as insulin in adults. We’ll discuss how it’s administered, how often your dog will need it, and how to care for and store it.
  • Chapter 7 – Complication risks. There are several serious complications your dog might suffer due to Diabetes. We’ll look at those in this chapter.
  • Chapter 8 – Your Dog’s long life with Diabetes. Many dogs live long and relatively healthy lives, even with Diabetes. We’ll offer tips and tricks for ensuring your dog is one of them.

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